Functional Medicine Treatments for Autoimmune Disease Clinic in Gurgaon

Autoimmune disease can be quite disabling. Instead of battling poisons and invaders, your immune system turns on your body and its tissues. As a result, your joints, muscles, hair, skin, intestines, and brain may suffer significant damage. Thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, lupus, IBS, MS, psoriasis, and over 80 other autoimmune diseases are just a few examples. Although conventional medicine recognises a problem, no long-term therapy options have been explored, except immune suppressant medications.
According to functional medicine, we believe that all autoimmune diseases originate in the gut. This could be the result of years of infection in your stomach caused by antibiotics or damage to the gut lining caused by processed foods, medicines, or anti-inflammatory treatments. We’d like to know what’s happening in your body and why this is happening. One autoimmune illness can often evolve into several because of the constant and consistent damage to tissues and the stomach.
Change your mindset from traditional medicine to functional medicine
Traditional medicine tends to focus on preventing attacks and controlling symptoms of autoimmune illnesses. This can be done by suppressing the immune system, reducing inflammation, or alleviating other symptoms with pharmaceutical medications. This is critical, and it can offer patients with much-needed relief. It may be the only option left when all other options have failed.
These procedures, on the other hand, take place after the fact. They concentrate on preventing and alleviating attacks that are already underway. While this is beneficial to patients, you must first determine WHY your immune system shifted from generally working to attacking your body if you want to regain actual health. This was not a one-off occurrence.
Something caused your body to become hyperimmune to an abnormal degree. Functional medicine is all about it. The underlying cause of a disease is more critical to functional medicine than the symptoms of a condition.
Symptoms fade away, and disease is no longer evident when the body operates properly.
Functional medicine and traditional medicine may be at odds. They don’t have to be, however.
Autoimmune Diseases Across the Board
When your immune system misidentifies healthy cells as a threat, it responds by fighting them, which is an autoimmune illness. While traditional medicine treats autoimmune illnesses as discrete and independent entities, functional medicine sees them as part of a larger picture.
Autoimmunity is the cause of a wide range of diseases. The following are some of the most common ones:
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the immune system assaults the nerves’ protective covering (myelin). Scar tissue forms on the nerves, interfering with impulses given to the brain and spinal cord via the nerves.
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune illness that causes the immune system to attack the joints. The lining of the joints is damaged, causing severe swelling and deformity. It can also cause harm to the skin, lungs, eyes, heart, and blood vessels, among other sections of the body.
- Hashimoto’s disease — The thyroid is attacked by the immune system, resulting in an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and hormone production interruption.
On the functional medicine front, considerable advancements are being made to find the fundamental causes of autoimmune illnesses and how to reverse them. It’s been argued that in the last five years, we’ve discovered more about the stomach than we have in the previous 50.