FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE: Are you living healthy or just alive ?

Functional medicine is about optimizing your health and quality of life in ways you never knew were possible and not just getting rid of the symptoms.
We all deserve the best health and quality of life today! Thus functional medicine helps you live healthily rather than just stay alive.
Functional Medicine employs a systems-oriented medical approach that takes into account the personalization of healthcare, as each patient care plan is distinct and unique. The relationship between patient and practitioner effectively becomes a partnership, every aspect of a patient’s
-medical history
-individual genetics
-environment is reviewed,
-the biochemical individuality of a patient is in detail researched to obtain a deeper knowledge of the patient’s health status.
-Furthermore, the prevention of additional health risks in the future is addressed.
Functional Medicine practitioners dive deep into the patient’s history and biochemistry focus on supporting the patient as a whole person and strive to determine the root cause of every disease, particularly the chronic disorders such as autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular diseases as well as, diabetes and obesity. Rather than simply making a diagnosis and then determining which drugs or surgery will best treat the condition.