Fasting mimicking diet, The Fast Track to Slow Cardiac Ageing
Do you think you cannot fast !
What if There Was a Dietary Intervention
That Mimicked Fasting? All the Gain, Less Pain
If thought of fasting puts you off then you will be happy to know how fasting mimicking diet can help you have all the benefits without skipping meals!
It involves severe caloric restriction for five days out of the month, this cycle can be repeated many times to gain more benefits of fasting mimicking diet.
The diet is about severe calorie restriction to imitate the effects of fasting. During 5 days a month, calories are restricted to 800 to 1000 calories per day. Diet involves 80%fat and 10 % each protein and carbohydrates.
In the Distant Past, Food was Scarce……These periods of fasting forced strong evolutionary pressures on the our ability to survive during periods of hunger.
Fasting Mimicking Diet Benefits:
• Increased cellular maintenance and protection
• Increased activation of stress resistance pathways
• Removal and replacement of damaged cells
• Reduction of inflammation
1. Promotes Fat Loss
The fasting period one 5 days a month has severe caloric restriction and therefore helps lose weight.
2. Lowers Cholesterol
The fasting mimicking diet helps reduce several risk factors of heart disease, including cholesterol levels. This diet is high in fat and includes plenty of nuts, olives, avocados, coconuts etc. These foods contain heart-healthy fats that can keep cholesterol levels in check and help prevent coronary artery disease.
3. Relieves Inflammation
Inflammation is a normal reaction of immune system to protect body from unwanted invaders.
Chronic inflammation, however, can contribute to the development of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and multiple sclerosis.
The fasting-mimicking diet helps in controlling inflammation and therefore helps reduce the risk of chronic disease.
It is seen that a fasting mimicking diet could effectively prevent damage to the myelin sheath, which provides protection to the nerve fibers in the spinal cord and brain. It reduces symptom severity, decreases several inflammatory markers and promotes the regeneration of the myelin sheath.
Therefore fasting mimicking diet could be beneficial in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, as it helps protect myeline sheath.
4. Diabetes control
FMD has shown promising results on diabetes reversal. diet helped bring blood sugar normal and maintain it.
Insulin is a hormone responsible for transporting glucose from the blood to the cells where it can be used as energy. Increasing insulin production can help keep blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly. fasting mimicking diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can also help reverse diabetes naturally.
5. Blood Pressure control
Besides lowering blood cholesterol, following a fasting mimicking diet can also help support health by keeping blood pressure under control. Since high blood pressure puts strain on heart and forces it to work harder, weakening the heart muscle and increasing the risk of developing heart disease.
It was observed that following the diet for three months led to a significant reduction in blood pressure levels of participants.
6. Improves Cognitive Health
One of the very impressive benefits of the fasting mimicking diet on brain health and function.
This diet encourages the consumption of several brain-boosting foods and ingredients. Olive oil, for instance, has been shown to improve cognitive function, learning and memory in several human and animal studies.
Dr Kalpana Shekhawat MD
Functional Medicine Specialist.
BHRT Consultant.
Metabolic Disease Management Consultant
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