CASE 3: Autoimmune Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy

29 year old women approached us complaining of extremely symptomatic peripheral neuropathy, eczema, itching and severe back ache. She had severe burning in legs with throbbing pain.

She consulted pain specialist and was put on Gabapentin and Nortriptyline, which didn’t help hence was subsequently put on IV lignocain to keep severe pain under control. Also she had severe social anxiety issues and depression. We advised her to undergo various investigations.


Blood work showed she was highly positive for candida. Her stool comprehensive results showed dysbiotic flora, high growth of Klebsiella pneumoniaelvariicola (picture 1)which is known to cause autoimmune reaction due to molecular mimicry and further damage to neurological system and joints as well as other organ systems. She was also found to be having parasitic infestations with Blastocystis spp. which was causing constant toxin release in her gut(picture 2).

Picture 1 : Stool Comprehensive report
Picture 2 : Stool Comprehensive report

Her neuro-advanced profile revealed low-normal glutamine, low-normal dopamine, low levels of VMA (vanillylmandelic acid), kynurenic acid, epinephrine and nor-epinephrine.( picture 3,4)

Picture 3: Neuro-advanced Report
Picture 4: Neuro-advanced Report

Metal testing showed high level intoxication with silver and aluminum and also depicted impaired tissue repair, and poor enzymatic state.
Her treatment protocol included nutraceutical, intensive gut healing therapy, detox enemas, IV drips, and specialized diet.

In the span of 3 months her pain reduced by 50%, was able to come off some medications like Gabapentin and Nortriptyline. Her Candida antibodies declined and came to normal level. Her stress and anxiety reduced, was able to sleep better and without medication. After 6 months of continuous treatment she also got off her IV lignocaine drips. The entire treatment had helped her to have a normal and a happy life.

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