Hair fall-how to control it the functional and regenerative medicine way?
Hair fall is a symptom of one of the many underlying conditions.
It is associated with one of the following underlying health issues:
Nutritional deficiencies
Such as lack of basic vitamins and minerals, it could be due to inadequate intake or lack of absorption, due to the other below mentioned conditions such as disturbed gut flora, irrational intake of anti acids etc.
Functional medicine practitioner orders extensive blood work and Oligoscan testing to check for mineral deficiencies to identify the underlying deficiencies and work upon correcting them.
Toxic overload
Heavy metals are highly prevalent in our environment and inability to detox due to poor live and kidney functioning may lead to increase in heavy metals and other toxic end products of metabolism.
A Functional medicine expert can work on removing this toxic overload by providing a variety of solutions such as:
- Dietary guidelines
- IV Detox drip therapy
- Oral Nutrition supplementation therapy
Hormone imbalances
Hormone imbalance such as Estrogen dominance and progesterone lack in females, and low testosterone and DHEA may be responsible.
Also low Testosterone, and high DHT, may be responsible for male pattern baldness.
Thyroid disorder, which is related to autoimmunity, can be well-addressed functional medicine way by ensuring supplementation of the deficient nutrients essential for good thyroid functioning
Functional medicine can help you balance hormones with all natural bio identical hormone replacement therapy, as part of out Functional medicine practice.
Fungal/Parasitic infestations
After understanding the symptoms of such infestations and doing the blood and urine and stool testing for these, a functional medicine expert can advise you the way to remove the existing infection and prevent recurrence, which is most crucial!
Leaky gut due to poor lifestyle choices is most common cause of autoimmunity, it could be due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or fungal infestation of the intestine or due to GMO foods and gluten in grains which damage the intestinal endothelium causing undigested food particles to pass through the gut lining and incite an immune reaction!
Stress reduction is equally crucial in managing g the hair fall.
Therefore holistic approaches, which address all the above-mentioned issues, give the patient suffering from hair fall a complete solution.
Dr. Kalpana Shekhawat -M.D.
Functional Medicine Consultant
BHRT Specialist A4M