Frequent abdominal pain, gas, constipation ? It may be IBS.

IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME is an intestinal disorder causing pain in the stomach, gas, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, and constipation.
Though the causes may be different for different people, the root causes mostly identified are:
a) bacterial overgrowth in small/ large intestine
b) parasitic infestations
c) fungal overgrowth
d) lack of digestive enzymes
e) lack of minerals like zinc magnesium, chromium, iodine, etc
f) heavy metal toxicity
g) food sensitivities.
All this can lead to a leaky gut and can be an autoimmune reaction which means an exaggerated response of the immune system to the body’s own organs.
How we can help?
Once we know the root cause we help you eliminate(toxins) and replenish (nutrients). We have specialized test which helps us identify the above-mentioned causes.
1. The Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology (CSAP) is an invaluable non-invasive diagnostic assessment that permits practitioners to objectively evaluate the status of beneficial and imbalanced commensal bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, yeast/fungus, and parasites. These markers can be used to differentiate between inflammation associated with potentially life-threatening inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which requires lifelong treatment and less severe inflammation that can be associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is frequently due to the presence of enteroinvasive pathogens.
2. The Organix Comprehensive test is a nutritional test providing insights into organic acids and a view into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Only a single urine collection is needed. Identifying metabolic blocks that can be treated nutritionally allows individual tailoring of interventions that maximize patient responses and lead to improved patient outcomes.